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Date: Fri, 29 Jul 94 10:04 BST-1
From: ogal@cix.compulink.co.uk (Ofir Gal)
Subject: Make It Simple
To: gem-list@world.std.com
Message-Id: <memo.809267@cix.compulink.co.uk>
Precedence: bulk
warwick@cs.uq.oz.au said:
>Now, as soon as we vote on the key shortcuts, we can put it in this form
>and see what it looks like. (With "atariworks.selectAll.key: Alt-#*") :)
I don't think we need application specific stuff. This makes it incredibly
difficult to write an app-defs editor. Why complicate things. I think we
just need to list the shortcuts in the proposal and allow the user to
change them.
>Agreed. Some people hate click-to-type, others hate point-to-type. For
I think most users would prefer click-to-type, if you have to move the
mouse you may as well click it. I don't think this should be in the
standard or in the app-defs file because very few programs will support
it. If you want it in your program, make it an option, but always use
click-to-type as the default.
>`modal dialogs in windows'. The only reasons the user might not
>want it is that form_do() dialogs are faster, since they can use
Sure they are, but some toolkit can't do both, so this is an option I will
leave to programmers to implement if they want. Shouldn't be in the
standard or the app-defs file.
>Remember: these do NOT need to be in the file, they just need to be
>defined as possibilities, so as to have an agreed-upon-name (not an
>agreed-upon-value though).
We don't have to discuss future possibilities now. This will just take
more time and arguements. Lets start with the basics and expand later. The
file can take the following format:
And whatever else you want. I suggest we start with the keys and give
people a chance to implement this. This way you can look for the word KEYS
and continue to read definition until you reach a CRLF.
>>I think someone should post some standard code (in C, C++, Pascal, and
>>GfA Basic) so we can all use his/her code in our programs for APP_DEFS.
>Did y'all catch my code for pattern-matching against a string with wildcards?
>That's my contribution.
>Couldn't we just write it in C and bind it to other languages? Maybe have
>to convert it to ASM (via compiler) for some (can BASICs load C object files?)
Couldn't we just use pseudo code so that everyone understands it. I don't
know C well enough to follow your code.
>The app-defs formats proposed so far all allow per-application and
>global specification of configurations. Keep up.
Not really. Per-application is not a good idea IMO.
d.oakley.kid0111@oasis.icl.co.uk said:
>This is all up for debate but things like that are usually saved in the
>program's own preferences file, and I take it that APP_DEFS conforming
>programs will not use their own preference files: Am I right or wrong?
I hope you are wrong. I don't think any app should write to the file, only
>could save changes; I'd rather use my own prefs file for most things if
>that was the case.
Please do.
>The .Xdefaults file's way of specifying shift keys if very sensible:
Why not save them the same way they are displayed in the menu? ^Q, etc.
BTW, can I send ASCII 1 and 7 via the internet?
Ofir ogal@cix.compulink.co.uk